
Grief is a natural process of mental, emotional and spiritual adaptation to a significant loss in our life. This loss can be the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship, the loss of a job or a social role, even the loss of a country if you have been forced to emigrate, Much has been written about the stages of grieving: denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and acceptance. Much can be said about the elaboration of grief and on pathological grief. I just wish to share a brief reflection. Grief envelops you like a roaring storm in the ocean. Suddenly there is no horizon, no stars, only huge waves that bathe you in icy pain, fear and despair. You meet again your ghosts, old wounds reopen and there you are… alone clinging to the helm of your boat, feeling the creak of wood at the onslaught of an emotional ocean. As in a storm, there is no time to think of anything other than to face one wave at a time, diving in what you are feeling to then go afloat; trusting that a...